🤝 Team

Product Manager, Product Designer, Design Lead, Developers

👦🏻 What's ApnaJobs?

ApnaJobs is a platform for blue-collar jobs, primarily for cab drivers, electricians, plumbers, office assistants, etc. They were looking for something out of the box from this application design.

They didn't want to make another typical job platform. Here, users can find jobs, create creative resumes quickly, and connect with other connections.

My colleague and I were working on this project. They wanted this application for their first release. They already had wireframes ready, so this was just visual design work in the first phase.

📃 Problem Statement

There are already too many platforms for white-collar jobs, like Naukari.com, Indeed, and a few more. There are not much for Blue-collar jobs.

ApnaJobs came to us with a requirement for UI Design. They wanted to make a new job platform for the Indian audience already used to modern apps like TikTok, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Indian culture, Bollywood styles, and Indian colors very much inspired them. They wanted to depict those things inside the application.

There was also an employer dashboard where employers could post their jobs and manage all the applications.

⛳️ Target Users

This application's target users are people looking for a job or change in a career as a Driver, Cook, Electrician, Plumber, etc. Those are the people who are already aware of applications on the Internet since they use applications like TikTok, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

🎨 Moodboard

We started exploring some inspiration on the internet to create a mood board. We also found some keywords related to the product. From mood boarding, we just wanted to know exactly what the client is looking for, what they like, what they don't like. Because sometimes they also need a clear idea about that. If they see it, they can have a clear picture of it. Here are some of the shots from it.


Dynamic • Vibrant • Energetic • Aspirational • Empowering

🚀 Early Explorations

After understanding what the client is looking for from the mood board. We started exploring some visuals for the Jobs feed and Profile section.