🤝 Team

Team of Engineers, Head of Product, Product Designer, Community Success Team

🤔 What are Customized Profile Fields?

In Forem Community, every Creator can customize profile fields they can ask their members. So, for example, let's say I have a sports community, and I want to ask for their Favorite athlete and favorite sports. I can create input fields based on it, and those fields will be visible in member's profiles.

This is a great way to give the community a unique, personalized touch.

📃 Problem Statement

In that case, those fields shouldn’t be visible on the profile page /<username> even if members have filled in the information of that field. But it does, which creates a dead-end for users, where they can not edit that particular information by going to /settings.

The goal here was that admins might want to re-arrange fields, so deleting fields and having them re-create them seems like a lot of effort and data loss.

⛳️ Our Plan

We didn’t want to change anything fundamentally. We tried to keep it as it is and add some new features.

To ensure we are on the right path, we decided to go for User Testing and know if the solution is intuitive and self-explanatory for the Creators/Admin because these Customise Profile Fields initially sound confusing.

So we decided to go for Remote User Testing with the help of a tool called Useberry. It lets you test the Figma prototype with a set of users.

👨🏻‍🔬 User Testing Process ****

Our community success team has a good list of active Forem contributors (Forem Open Source) and Creators. They hooked us up with good creators willing to spend time with our prototype test and give us feedback.

But things don’t always go as planned. So, we created and tested the test internally, and it worked fine. But when we sent it to Creators, we found some weird bug in Useberry software that won’t let creators complete the test. So, our Useberry test failed, and we stepped back.

And then, I decided to go for old and tested Zoom user testing. I connected with two creators via Zoom and let them perform some tasks on the Figma prototype. I recorded the session for our team so they could also observe it.

Here are some notes from the User Testing.

Overall ease of use score - 10/10 (As Forem Pro)