🤝 Team

Team of Engineers, Business Analyst, Product Manager, Product Designer, Head of Design

👦🏻 What's VSK?

Vedantu SuperKids(VSK) is the newly added early learning category of the Vedantu. It includes multiple offerings like SuperCoders, SuperReaders, and SuperMaths(Coming soon).

As a pilot project, Vedantu took the help of an external agency to build landing pages and booking flow. But after sometime teams decided to take this in-house and take it forward

Since this is a whole new category, acquiring new users and giving them a flawless experience was the utmost priority. As a starter, we decided to redesign the booking flow, make it more user-friendly, and increase conversion.

📃 Problem Statement

By analyzing the current booking flow, I knew that there were many points which I could improve. Also, I had to understand the backend structure of it. So we don't end up designing something impossible to implement.

The current flow had an awful start. Clicking on a Book demo was requesting the sign-in first and then taking them to the booking form. Ideally, as a user, I want to go to the booking form since I've clicked on Booking CTA.

The slot selection screen was very cluttered since it had a big calendar view, which was very confusing for all the users. And there was no clear CTA there. This page had the highest drop rate, at 90%.


⛳️ Our Plan

We decided to break down this exercise into two Phases

Phase 1 We will modify the booking flow to reduce the number of steps in order to increase conversion. It will help us validate our redesign around the new flow.

Phase 2 By the time we come to Phase 2, we will have data around Phase 1 and new styling we can adopt from the landing page. So now, the goal would be improving discoverability and giving the user more context and product flavor.

Also, this piece we are redesigning is for the parents. They are the parents of kids aged 4-13. So we have to keep a few things in mind. Most of the users are from mobile, so we have to take a mobile-first approach.

📊 Numbers we achieved with this exercise

Before, the conversion for VSK was close to 1%. The landing page to the login step has a 90% drop-off, while the Login to demo booking also has a 90% drop-off.

Traffic to demo booked numbers

<aside> 1️⃣ Phase 1 : 1% —> 12.5%


<aside> 2️⃣ Phase 2 : 12.5% —> 18.23%


<aside> 3️⃣ Improvements : 18.23% —> 20.25%


🎭 Competitors Analysis